NEW! Adult Bungee Fly Fitness Classes

We are excited to welcome Fly Factor, LLC to our Ultimate Team Training Center to provide adult bungee fitness classes!

Bungee classes are a high-flying fusion of fun and fitness. The experience is high intensity, low impact, weight bearing and gravity defying. Get the benefits of resistance training and strength building while the bungee reduces stress on your joints and adds a spring to your step. This workout is a full body workout head to tail, fingers to toes. Bungee fitness classes will build a strong core and stable connections between the upper and lower body and increase balance and general stability. Elevate your workout with bungee fitness!

Fly Fitness is a full-body workout that incorporates a bungee harness to offer support and resistance. In addition to being fun, Bungee Fitness classes offer the following benefits:

  • Low-impact
  • Builds Muscle
  • Supports Good Posture
  • Improves Cardiovascular Health

Classes are now underway and they take place in our Ultimate Team Training Center at 6908 Downwind Rd, Greensboro.

At the moment, regularly scheduled classes at Fly Factor are open to ages 14 and up. Parents of minors between ages 14-17 must sign a waiver on behalf of their child. However, birthday parties and private classes are open to children ages 8 and up. Birthday parties and private classes (group or private) are fun for adults, too! Get more info at

If you have questions, contact Carrie Plew:

A limited number of bungees are available per class. Registration is required!

Adults in a Bungee Fitness Class