Learn • Discover • Grow
Enrollment for the 2025/2026 school year will begin Monday, February 3.
Register your child now for a wonderful year in our active learning and development program.
Tumblebees Learning Center (TLC) Preschool helps each student to...
"Bee" Smart ~ "Bee" Active ~ "Bee" the Best You Can Be
Enrollment & Enrollment Fees
Enrollment is first-come, first-served. Spots are limited, so enroll early to ensure your child's spot for the 2025/2026 school year.
A $65 TLC registration fee, a $35 gym membership fee*, and the first months tuition are due upon enrollment and are non-refundable. Thereafter, monthly tuition will be autodrafted on the first day of each month beginning in October 2024.
*Currently-enrolled students will not have to pay gym membership fee ($35) if it is not due for your child at time of enrollment.
Two NEW Offerings for 2025-2026!
Starting Fall of 2025, TLC parents will have the option of enrolling their child in our Lunch Bunch and afternoon Little Learners Lounge programs!
This program starts after the morning preschool ends. It allows TLC students to stay on campus from noon - 1 pm and have supervised lunch time with their TLC friends.
Little Learners Lounge is a separate afternoon program for our TLC students. It begins at 1 pm and ends at 4 pm. Little Learners will include play time, games, and other fun preshool activities that encourage self esteem and expanded social skills.
Once you enroll your child in TLC for 2025-2026, call us and we will assist you in signing up for one or both of these new programs.
2025/2026 Schedule
TLC Prechool
Lunch Bunch
* Lunch Bunch and Little Learners Lounge schedules subject to change based on enrollment levels.

Instilling Self Confidence and Independence
The emphasis in all of our classrooms is to develop self confidence, independence, and to explore new ideas and concepts through positive interaction with teachers and classmates.
Preschoolers learn best through play and through modeling behavior. Peer groups are an important part of learning throughout childhood. Preschool offers an opportunity to interact with a peer group in an educational setting. In each of the classroom levels listed below, we detail our main goals and skills that we will teach throughout the year.
Our school day starts at 9:00am for all classes, and ends at 12:30pm. Snacks are provided for all preschool classes. All preschool students need to bring their own lunch.
Select a preschool grade level below to see a detailed curriculum for that class.
Age 2 as of August 31, 2022
In our two year old classroom, we will help your child learn:
- to discover and play in a peer group
- to share and work together
- to explore creativity through art
- to discover movement through gymnastics, music and sport activities
- to discover new concepts through science activities and exploration
- to learn through center play with manipulatives, building blocks, dramatic play, art and reading
Curriculum – Each month, your child’s teacher will share our themes and concepts being taught in the classroom. General concepts taught throughout the year are:
- Calendar time (days of the week, months of the year, counting, weather)
- ABCs: capital letter recognition
- Name recognition
- Shapes, colors and numbers
- Fine and gross motor activities
Extra-curricular activities:
- Gymnastics
- Little Ninja
- Music & Movement
- Art
- Sport Activities
Young Threes: 3 - 3.5 yrs as of August 31, 2022
Older Threes: 4 yrs by Dec 31, 2022
In our three year old classroom, we will help your child learn:
- to discover, share, and play in a peer group
- to listen and respond effectively
- to explore creativity through art
- to discover movement through gymnastics, music and sport activities
- to discover new concepts through science activities and exploration
- to learn through center play with manipulatives, building blocks, dramatic play, art and reading
Curriculum – Each month, your child’s teacher will share our themes and concepts being taught in the classroom. General concepts taught throughout the year are:
- Calendar time (days of the week, months of the year, counting, weather)
- Capital letters: recognizing, phonics and letter formation
- Name recognition and learning to write when ready
- Shapes and colors
- Numbers and basic math skills
- Fine and gross motor activities
- Differentiation
Extra-curricular activities:
- Gymnastics
- Music & Movement
- Art
- Sport Activities
Age 4 as of August 31, 2022
In our pre-K classroom, we will help prepare your child to enter Kindergarten. Skills include:
- to learn, share, and play in a peer group
- to listen and respond effectively
- to explore creativity through art
- to learn and develop gymnastics skills and discover movement through music and sport activities
- to follow teacher directions
- to discover new concepts through science activities and exploration
- to learn through center play with manipulatives, building blocks, dramatic play, art and reading
- to walk quietly in a line
- to learn time concepts relating to starting and finishing tasks
- to be responsible for belongings
Curriculum – Each month, your child’s teacher will share our themes and concepts being taught in the classroom. General concepts taught throughout the year are:
- Calendar time (days of the week, months of the year, counting, weather)
- Capital letters: recognizing, letter sounds and letter formation
- Name recognition and learning to write when ready
- Shapes and colors
- Numbers and basic math skills
- Phonics, word families and reading skills when ready
- Fine and gross motor activities
- Differentiation
Extra-curricular activities:
- Gymnastics
- Little Ninja
- Music & Movement
- Art
- Sport Activities